I’m pretty sure you mean wallet en español. I’m pretty sure you mean wallet en español. I’m pretty sure you mean wallet en español. I’m pretty sure you mean wallet en español. I’m pretty sure you mean wallet en español. I’m pretty sure you mean wallet en español.

Some people are really pretty cool with the idea of using the name wallet en español, but my personal tastes on the subject are a bit more neutral.

It’s not a bad name though. The Spanish word wallet means wallet, and that’s what it’s saying to me. When I heard it, my first thought was “Yikes! Is it pronounced like wallet?” Then I realized that it didn’t matter, the same thing happened with the name of the game. I also thought it was a bit weird that it’s in Spanish and I would have thought that it would be obvious from the English version that it’s in Spanish.

Yes, wallet, which is what you have to hold in your hand to read your phone number. That’s how we pronounce it. The Spanish word for wallet is dólar, the Spanish word for dollar is peso, and the Spanish word for dollar is monedero. So these are the four different meanings of the word.

The first thing that struck my as odd was that the word “wallet” in Spanish is in fact “pago” and not “pago.” “Pago” is the second most common word in Spanish for wallet.

When I first saw the English version, I thought, “Oh, this is a good idea, I’ll use it as an excuse to learn Spanish”. I soon realized that it was a terrible idea because if I couldn’t figure out why it was a bad idea, I wouldn’t be able to figure out how good the idea was.

I think the reason why the word is so odd is because it actually comes from Latin. In Latin, pago was used to mean “to carry”. This is where the word pago comes from.

So you would imagine that the word pago would be used to mean “wallet” in English. That is not the case. In fact, pago is used as a noun and means “money”, but in Spanish, it refers to “money” in general. Since the word is used for money, its meaning is different.

So, why did this word come from Spanish and not English? The main part of the word pago is actually the first syllable, as in pago de dinero, which means money at the grocery store. It does not mean money in general. The word pago means money at the grocery store.

For instance, when you buy groceries in the US you are not paying for the full amount. You are giving money, which is not the same thing as paying. I can give you a full amount of money but it’s still just money. In the same way, a pago means money at the grocery store, whereas in Spain you would only be giving money.

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