• The complimentary mint is the best enticement the company could think of.
  • For P2E whitelisting, we need at least five referrals on our Discord channel.

Whitelist: Socialize to Earn

More people will interact online and spread the word about IguVerse since the project is fantastic in every way, from the app to the community. Because of this, a whitelist position is provided to those who are active both within and outside of the Discord server.


  • One must have at least 10 referrals to join our Discord server.
  • They must be level 15 or above on our Discord server.
  • They must have at least five unique tweets regarding IguVerse, not retweets or duplicates of our tweets.
  • IguVerse was featured in many Instagram stories and/or posts, at least 2.

Move to earn (M2E) whitelist

Engaged members of the Discord community are always willing to assist, clarify, or just speak about interesting topics. Such individuals are provided with something valuable, namely the whitelist, in exchange for their willingness to share something valuable to them, such as a conversation about their day or their opinion of the project.


  • One must be level 15 or above on our Discord server.
  • They must have more than 1000 messages, of which more than 75% must be original and not just a few ‘hellos,’ ‘hi,’ ‘gms,’ or ‘gns.’
  • At least five referrals on the Discord server are required.
  • They must include ‘| IguVerse’ in your Discord name.
  • An IguVerse Instagram tale
  • Make a video of themselves running at least 500 meters as a special criterion.

Play to earn (P2E) whitelist 

Being competitive is a positive characteristic. Those who like competition are fantastic, but it’s the cherry on top when they excel in their chosen field. Because of this, This whitelist is used to recognize the winners of several contests.


  • One must have won a contest in which receiving a whitelist was offered as a prize.
  • At least five referrals on the Discord server are required.
  • They must use an IguVerse art piece as their profile image.
  • They must include ‘| IguVerse’ in their Discord name.
  • An IguVerse Instagram tale

Help to earn a whitelist 

Those who contribute heavily and support the project’s continued growth are those who work in favor. Such individuals are added to the whitelist.


  • In order to join our Discord server, one must have more than 20 recommendations.
  • They must have referred at least three people to our Alpha channel.
  • They must be level 10 or above on our Discord server.
  • They must include ‘| IguVerse’ in your Discord name.
  • They must have at least three unique tweets regarding IguVerse, not retweets or duplicates of our tweets.
  • An IguVerse Instagram tale
  • Special Demand: Send a snapshot and give any amount to the charity.

There are only 3000 of these whitelists available. If anyone wants this whitelist badly enough, then they should prepare to receive it as soon as possible. 

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