There is no doubt that the bitcoin craze is increasing day-to-day as the netizens get to know more about it. With the launch of Bitcoin ordinals, this craze will increase more. But what are they and most importantly why are they? Well, In a layman language, the thing is that why should bitcoin lack in the competition of NFTs where every chain has their own NFTs as the competitor. So, Casey Rodermor  thinks that why should not invent the NFTs on the bitcoin blockchain.

And, here comes the picture of Bitcoin Ordinals. Ordinals are the new method of creating NFTs. In this method, the satoshis are inscribed with the text, audio, image or anything which has digital presence. Satoshis or sats are the smallest denomination of bitcoin. A single bitcoin can be divided into 100,000,000 satoshis.

Understand the concept of bitcoin ordinals

Developed by Casey Rodarmor, the ordinals are just the new way of creating NFTs. Bitcoin ordinals used the method of inscription to inscribe some texts, images, or any other digital asset on satoshis. As stated earlier, satoshis or sats are the smallest denomination of bitcoin. They are bitcoin-native. 

They are NFTs but they lose one of the most important characteristics of NFT which is non-fungibility. As it is inscribed on satoshis and they are fungible in nature. But, it does not mean that they totally lose the image of NFTs. As the text, audios, and images inscribed on them make it unique.

Thanks to the Taproot upgrade, which made it possible for bitcoin to launch its own NFTs. Because of it, ordinal doesn’t require any sidechain to operate. 

Arguments for and Against Bitcoin Ordinals

Since the launch the bitcoin ordinals had faced a mix of thoughts from the netizens. Some believe it is a competitive and good move from bitcoin’s side. It will create the ecosystem more secure and will enlighten the whole ecosystem. It will use the blocks and make the utilization of unused blocks.

But some argue that it will create a congested place as more inscriptions can delay the transactions in the bitcoin’s blockchain. Also, people believe that bitcoin is made for a peer-to-peer payment system so why the need for this type of nonsense. Also, it hinders anonymity as satoshis have a serial number and your wallet and bitcoin is connected to it so you can be exposed online.

Future of bitcoin ordinals

Well, the future of bitcoin ordinals can be seen as positive which means it can get more popularity than we are expecting. However, it is a hot topic for discussion among crypto investors and its users. NFTs are on the boom. Many chains are wanting to launch their NFTs so as to attract new users and make a common platform for them. These digital artifacts are the new booming market for the crypto industry and it can be seen as the future market for investments. 

Concluding thoughts

To begin with, bitcoin ordinals are creating a way for their own popularity. They are attracting new users to try the new technological innovation in the world of NFTs. However, they are facing backlash because of their anonymity and other issues related to it. But, Every coin has two sides. Some may speak for it and some may speak against it . But, we should focus on the positive side as ordinals may create a boom in the NFTs market and will change the whole bitcoin’s blockchain ecosystem.


The views and opinions stated by the author, or any people named in this article, are for informational purposes only and do not establish financial, investment, or other advice. Investing in or trading crypto assets comes with a risk of financial loss.

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