Yes, I do. I have a stash of bitcoin that I’m sure I’ll never use again for a long time.

Yes it does. You can also buy bitcoin with a credit card, which is another good reason to have a stash of bitcoin. However, as a new bitcoin user, I’d say that having a stash of bitcoin is just as good.

With the price of bitcoin so high, you’d think that having a stash of bitcoin would be a very good thing to have. Not so, however. Bitcoin is not a stable currency, so using it to buy something that is going to take a long time to get back to you is just as bad as buying gold because you can have it in too much of a hurry.

I don’t mind buying a lot of bitcoin, but not that much of it. That’s because it’s not a good idea to have a stash of bitcoin. It’s very easy to get a lot of people to buy a lot of bitcoin but you’re also putting yourself in a situation where you want to spend a massive amount of money.

That would be a very, very nice, sensible approach to buy a lot of bitcoin.

After the first few days, you’ll still want to spend a lot of money, which is good because your bank account is full, and youre still a lot of cash.

People are using bitcoin to store value in a very secure way. In fact, most bitcoin transactions are not even visible to the person involved in the transaction. This is because there is no transaction fee. A transaction fee is usually charged for the exchange of currency between two parties. So, when you buy a lot of bitcoin, you get to keep more of your hard-earned money for longer periods of time.

Most people don’t keep their money somewhere. You need to make sure you keep it somewhere. When you buy a lot of bitcoins, you don’t have to keep more, but it’s a lot of good stuff.

My guess is that bitcoin is a digital currency that works in the same way as cash. It’s a medium of exchange between people. It’s not necessarily something that you keep in your wallet. You don’t have a physical wallet just like you don’t have a physical cash box.

Well, yes, you do need to keep a wallet, but it is only an additional expense. It is really not a real financial necessity. I personally keep my bitcoins on my computer and transfer them to my wallet through some online transfer service. And even then, I only use my bitcoins as a way to transact with people. I dont use them to invest in anything. I dont buy anything with them. I dont hold bitcoin in my hand. I dont even have my bitcoins with me.

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