• Learn about the top NFT artists and experimental studios
  • NFT market space is going through a rapid revolution

The digital art space has progressed rapidly, with an exponential rise among non-fungible tokens. With 2024 just around the corner, the NFT space has reached unimaginable heights and experienced  the lowest of crashes. The market value of NFTs has continued to fluctuate, with people gaining huge profits and suffering circumstantial losses. However, the concept of NFTs has allowed digital artists to showcase their work and earn some value through investing. But, people across the NFT space consider the over-popularisation of NFT profile pictures one of the reasons behind its downfall. For expanding the NFT domain, versatility and ambitious projects should be targeted to retaliate against the buzz around NFTs. Although thousands of NFT artists are present across the space, here are the top 6 who can change this domain for good. 

  • Sara Ludy

Sara Ludy is a California-born digital artist who is known for exploring nature in mystical ways. She had made quite an impression by featuring in an exhibition at the Whitney Museum of American Art. In addition, Sara Ludy is mainly known for combining different media like AI, VR, and painting to showcase her work. 

  • Entangled Others Studio

The coming together of Argentinian artist Sofia Crespo and Norwegian artist Feileacan McCormick led to the creation of Entangled Others. These two are famous for using cutting-edge technology like AI image generation, 3D modeling, and quantum computing to showcase their ideas. The continuous rise of Entangled Others led to their taking over a museum called the Buffalo AKG Art Museum.

  • Stevie P

Stevie P, a Brooklyn-based artist, had made quite a name for himself by exploring the fun side of crypto scams. Using his digital artwork, Stevie P has shown different investment schemes by leveraging smart contract technology. Nevertheless, Stevie P is known for releasing his work at least once every month, which creates a longing for his fans. 

  • Keiken

Taking the number four spot is Keiken, which is a collective based in Berlin and Japan. However, many people might know about exploring different genres of video games. They might need to learn about those platforms being used as artistic domains. Keiken recently released Wisdoms for Neknel, an interactive world where people can experience wisdom as a currency. 

  • Jonas Lund

For the last decade, Jonas Lund has been famous for experimenting with blockchain technology on a broader scale. In 2018, Lund launched an NFT called JLT after years of research, where people could vote on his artistic works. He is also famous for instigating a bit of humor in his career. 

  • Felt Zinc

Felt Zinc is an artist collective platform that has been popularizing digital art since 2011—the platform deals in music, parties, digital art, and a marketplace similar to theirs. Mark Sabb, who founded this platform, was later directed by Dev Moore and Jawn Reyes. They had the latest collaboration planned with Givenchy to expand their platform. 


The NFT space needs to expand by implementing new ideas by artists who are experts in it. Thus, referring to the list above might give you a fresh idea about those potential game changers. 

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