When I say 2 sols, I’m referring to the amount of solids that can be used in one can of your favorite beverage. When I say 2 sols, I mean that it takes 2 sols of the beverage to fill the can.

2 sols can be used as a general rule. For instance, if you’re drinking a large soda then 2 sols will not be much of an issue. But it can get a bit tricky if you’re drinking something like a 2-liter beer or a 2-liter cocktail. When a 2-liter beer is at the top of the drinkability scale, you should be able to drink 2 sols.

2-liter beer is definitely the most difficult for all but the biggest kids to drink. So unless youre drinking something that’s very light, 2 sols is a great place to start.

Sure, 2 sols is a great rule. But you should realize that 2 sols is a rule. Its not a guideline. If youre drinking 2-liter beer, just drink that and enjoy it. If youre drinking a 2-liter cocktail, drink that and enjoy it. Drink your 2 sols.

If youre drinking more than two sols, it’s probably because youre drinking a lot of 2-liter beers. I just saw this video of a guy who drank 3-liter beer and didn’t even realize it. No one knows that guy’s name, but you can bet he was a huge fan of 2-liter beers.

But if youre drinking something like a 2-liter beer and you dont know the name of the guy you’re drinking with, you should probably just call it a night. There are a lot of guys out there who like to drink 3-liter beers. This guy should probably stop drinking, too. That’s just a rule, and thats all.

There are so many rules that you should probably just keep in the back of your mind, so you can avoid embarrassing yourself in public. There are so many rules that you should probably just keep in the back of your mind.

2-liter beers, if you have one, are actually quite a common beverage in the United States. They’re pretty rare, but you only have to deal with one person who’s been drinking 2-liter beer and never tells anyone else.

Sure. I mean, if you have 2 lbers, you must be a bad person who you just let loose in public.

You’re probably thinking, “Yeah, I’m going to be fine.” Well, I’m not. I’m going to be in public and I’m going to be an idiot. But I’ll still be drinking two lbers because I’m just not that into it.

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