Liquidus is the Latin word for “liquid.” It refers to a very fluid form of thought or speech (liquid movement). It’s often associated with the Roman philosopher, Platonus, who wrote extensively about the nature of the human substance or “soul.” The word was borrowed from Greek, which itself stems from the verb “to love” (sophia).

The reason I am here today, I am on my way to liquidus in order to see the liquidus I know, an aural exercise that I’ve been practicing on the internet for years. You can listen to my new recording at and if you like, you can check out my podcast on iTunes.

You can also read about liquidus at There you will also find a video recording of my lecture on the subject. A few years back I posted a video on YouTube where I discussed how we all have a soul or life force that is in constant flux, and that in the same way we can experience both the good and the bad sides of life, we can experience both the liquidus and the solidus, the pure and the impure.

I think what I’m trying to say is that as we age we start to lose our ability to experience the good things in life like happiness and contentment. Some of this is natural, some of it is due to physical changes, but in many cases it is due to the emotional changes that are often triggered by age. For instance, I’ve found over the years that I tend to get very bitter when people are upset with me.

When I was in school I would spend a lot of time with my family (including my girlfriend), my parents, and my brother and sister, and so on and so forth.

Ive found that people tend to go out of their way to avoid being upset. If I’m not around for you, I’m not going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Ive found that when you don’t act like a real person, you tend to hang around for two hours or more. If you’re an adult, you usually get so much happiness out of it that you don’t even have time to be around people.

The problem is that society often does this for adults, too. A friend of mine recently got into a fight with his girlfriend because he didnt really seem to care or think about how much time was passing. A few weeks later he ended up in a car accident and had to be hospitalized. If he had been around more people, he would have just done whatever they told him to do.

This is not exactly how human beings work. We do whatever we want once we get our freedom from the chains of society. But if we are forced to do something, like go to a wedding or go to a party or go on a date that isnt going to go anywhere, then we become an even greater burden than we already are.

The game is really only about Colt’s story. The story of the game is really just about Colt and his friends getting their freedom, which is the main focus of the game, but its not really about the story so much as it is about the journey of Colt. The main character is in a coma for several weeks, and we only get a snapshot of his story as he wakes up.

The game is about the story of Colt, but that is just the beginning and the end of the story. There is a lot more to the game than just Colt, his friends, and the story. The story is all about getting from where he was to where he is now. It is about discovering his past, and eventually finding a way to heal him.

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